Extra-Ordinary Professor
University of Pretoria, South Africa
’Funmi Olonisakin is Professor of Security, Leadership and Development at King’s College London and has been founding Director of the African Leadership Centre (ALC), which aims to build the next generation of African scholars and analysts generating cutting-edge knowledge for conflict, security and development in Africa. The ALC is based in Nairobi, Kenya and at King’s College London.
Visit the ALC at:
For details of these degree programmes see:
The MSc Security, Leadership & Society
The MSc Leadership & Development
African Leadership Centre (ALC)
Professor Olonisakin is currently Vice-President and Vice-Principal International at King’s College London. She has lead responsibility for all international matters at the College.
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University of Pretoria, South Africa
Advisory Group of Experts for the Progress Study on Youth, Peace & Security appointed by the United Nations Secretary-General
Advisory Group of Experts for the Review of UN Peacebuilding Architecture appointed by the United Nations Secretary-General
Geneva Centre for Security Policy
ALC King’s College London MSc Security, Leadership & Society
Department of Political Sciences, University of Pretoria, SA
Conflict, Security and Development Group at King’s College London
Office of United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict
Ph.D. in War Studies
King’s College London, United Kingdom
Masters in War Studies
King’s College London
BSc Political Science
Obafemi Awolowo University, Ife, Nigeria ( Formerly University of Ife)